

Students interested in entering a field in which there are plenty of job openings can choose to enroll in a program in one of 16个免学费的学习领域.

HOPE职业补助金可以帮助学生在高薪工作中开始有意义的职业生涯, 而且不需要积累很多学生贷款. 它还帮助乔治亚州的雇主建立了一个技术工人的管道,他们可以在未来很好地雇佣这些工人.

HOPE职业资助传单 (PDF)


才有资格获得HOPE职业补助金, 学生必须首先有资格获得HOPE助学金. 请查看以下资格要求. 这两笔助学金将涵盖这些学习十大网赌平台推荐的全部学费. 学生仍将负责学生费用和任何必要的设备, 尽管在某些情况下, 这些学生也可以获得经济援助.


所有HOPE十大网赌平台推荐都要求学生满足基本要求. 符合资格的学生必须:

  1. 遇见希望的你.S. 公民身份或符合条件的非公民要求
  2. 是乔治亚州的合法居民
  3. 满足入学要求
  4. 遵守兵役登记要求
  5. 达到学业成绩标准
  6. 在所有学生贷款或其他经济援助十大网赌平台推荐上保持良好的信誉
  7. 遵守1990年乔治亚州无毒高等教育法案
  8. 没有超过任何HOPE计划的最高奖励限额

Full-time enrollment in a certificate or diploma program is not required and students are not required to graduate from high school with a specific GPA, 然而, 他们必须有大专以上学历.GPA为0,在某些检查点,以保持资格.

A student who received a high school diploma (High School Postsecondary Graduation Opportunity Plan) by earning a 技术 college diploma or two 技术 college certificates, 乔治亚州技术学院系统(TCSG)确定的一条职业道路, 是否有资格申请希望奖助金, 最高可达30度小时. The student must be enrolled in an associate degree program at a TCSG institution in order to receive the HOPE Grant. 付款后支付30个学时, 在攻读学位课程期间,学生不再有资格获得HOPE助学金. 学生必须在30个学时的检查点满足HOPE奖学金资格要求.
来源: http://www.gafutures.org/hope-state-aid-programs/hope-zell-miller-grants/hope-grant/eligibility/

希望事业补助金. 有意义的事业从这里开始.


The Bureau of Labor Statistics projects employment in the Automotive industry will expand five percent between 2014 and 2024. Graduates of 十大网赌平台推荐's 汽车技术 programs learn the technological and 机械 skills to keep today’s increasingly complex cars safely on the roads. 十大网赌平台推荐提供汽车技术培训, 从维护技术和电子系统诊断, 性能技术. 学习那些能让你从装配线到维修站都具有竞争优势的技能.



The 注册工程助理员 field of study provides students with the necessary training to become an Engineering Drafting Technician. 通过一系列的课程, 为学生提供核心工程技术培训, 包括制图设计和复杂的数学计算. The 注册工程助理员 program prepares students for a rewarding career in the growing engineering field.



The 驾驶商用卡车 certificate program provides basic training in the principles and skills of commercial truck operations. The program is based on the definition of a truck driver as one who operates a commercial motor vehicle of all different sizes and descriptions on all types of roads. CTD课程为学生准备乔治亚州CDL技能考试.



计算机程序员是当今信息经济中最受欢迎的工人之一. 有超过25个计算机编程证书和文凭, 一些专注于特定的按需编程语言,如c++, C#, Java, 和Visual Basic. Students are also able to gain programming skills in a broad range of IT contexts including network and database administration, 网页设计及开发, 游戏设计与开发, 以及云和移动环境.



The 计算机技术 program gives students the necessary knowledge to jumpstart a career in one of the fastest growing fields: information technology. 学生有机会获得证书或文凭,有超过16个领域可供选择. 学生可以选择从动画和游戏设计到网络和维修等众多专业. 从学习基本的计算机基础知识和硬件概念, 学习更先进的设计和商业模式, 计算机技术课程为学生在计算机技术领域的职业生涯做好必要的技能准备.



自经济衰退以来,乔治亚州的建筑业逐年增长. The professionally trained graduates of 十大网赌平台推荐’s Construction programs have the knowledge and skills to work effectively on private, 公共和商业建设十大网赌平台推荐. 主修空调技术, 木工, 施工管理, 电气结构和维修, 砌筑和管道.



The 柴油设备技术 program is a sequence of courses designed to prepare students for careers in the diesel equipment service and repair profession. 学习机会使学生发展学术, 获得工作所需的技术和专业知识和技能, 保留, 和进步. 该计划强调卡车的组合, 重型设备, 海洋系统, or emergency power generator repair theory and practical application necessary for successful employment depending on the specialization area a student chooses to complete. Program graduates receive a credential that qualifies them as entry-level Diesel Equipment technicians in truck shops, 农业设备店, 以及土方设备经销商.



The 幼儿保育和教育 program is a sequence of courses designed to prepare students for a variety of careers in the field of early childhood education. The program emphasizes a combination of early childhood care and education theory and practical application as well as limited general core competencies necessary for successful employment. Graduates have qualifications to be employed in early care and education settings including child care centers and Head Start.



电线工人安装或修理电力系统和电信电缆, 包括光纤. 乔治亚州是该行业公布就业人数最多的州之一. 十大网赌平台推荐培养学生取得成功所需的技术和机械技能, 为毕业生在公用事业公司就业做准备. 你将学习今天在野外使用的设备, 并准备解决问题的技巧, 以及行业的安全要求.



The 健康科学 program offers students the opportunity to enter the field of healthcare through courses that apply science and technology through medical care. 学生有能力获得证书或文凭, 视指定十大网赌平台推荐而定. 有超过35个特定的领域可供选择, 学生可以在一些健康科学十大网赌平台推荐中获得知识来加速他们的职业生涯. 特别是, students have the ability to pursue certificates in various medical fields like pharmaceutical assistance or surgical technology.



对于那些对修理和维护机械感兴趣的人来说,工业维修是一个完美的职业, 或者用你的双手生产和制造. 格鲁吉亚在这一领域的就业情况, 它也被称为工业系统技术,包括制造维护和机电一体化, 预计未来10年将增长8%. 学生在几个领域学习技能, 包括电子, 工业布线, 汽车, 控制, plc(程序逻辑控制器), 仪表, 流体动力, 机械, 泵和管道, 和电脑. 几乎所有乔治亚州的制造业, 包括汽车, 地毯, 地板, 饮料, 药品, 重型设备, 对这类熟练技术人员有持续的需求吗. Or, these programs assist students who decide to move on and get a four-year degree in Mechanical Engineering and Electrical Engineering.



这里拥有世界上最繁忙的机场和北美最大的单航站楼集装箱设施, 以及广泛的高速公路和配送中心网络, 乔治亚州是美国东南部的超级交通枢纽. 全国物流就业人数排名第五, 十大网赌平台推荐物流十大网赌平台推荐的毕业生完全有资格加入这个熟练的劳动力队伍. 物流和运输技术专业提供库存控制方面的课程, 采购技术, 仓储和配送技术, 还有更多.



Film Technology programs will train competent entry-level Film/Video Production technicians who can successfully get an entry-level job in the film / video production industry or continue with their education goals in one of the other Film Production program areas. 课程内容包括感兴趣的职业领域的基本培训,如电气 & 照明、控制 & 索具,现场制作助理,发型 & 化妆、布景搭建 & 风景优美的, 还有很多其他的, 强调生产协议的能力, 前期制作/制作/后期制作流程和工作人员的职责/等级制度. 动手实验室为学生提供真实世界的电影和电视制作模拟.



The 实际的护理 diploma program is designed to prepare students to write the NCLEX-PN for licensure as practical nurses. 该计划准备毕业生提供合格的护理. This is done through a selected number of academic and occupational courses providing a variety of techniques and materials necessary to assist the student in acquiring the needed knowledge and skills to give competent care. A variety of clinical experiences is planned so that theory and practice are integrated under the guidance of the clinical instructor. 课程毕业生将获得实用护理文凭,并具有入门级实用护士的资格. Students most commonly will have to submit a satisfactory criminal background check as well as a drug screen in order to be placed in a clinical health care facility to complete the clinical portions of their educational training.



The 精密制造 program prepares students for entry-level employment in a manufacturing environment or for continued education in manufacturing or engineering programs of study. 向学生介绍基本的制造工艺, 包括制造设计, 加工, and assembly; mathematical operators and analytical problem solving; 技术 schematics and symbols; drafting tools and techniques; and engineering tools and concepts. 所有的教学和实验原理都在工业环境中实践.



焊接和连接技术课程旨在为学生在焊接行业的职业生涯做好准备. 十大网赌平台推荐学习机会发展学术, 技术, 获得工作所需的专业知识和技能, 保留, 和进步. 该课程强调成功就业所必需的焊接理论和实际应用. 课程毕业生将获得焊接和连接技术证书, 是否具备焊接和连接技术人员的资格, 并准备参加资格考试.
